Having journeyed with many pet patients through the process of cataract surgery for numerous years, there are 6 areas of potential expenditure that we think are important to highlight:
Contingency Funds
The majority of our patients reach a successful conclusion within the costs of their surgical package. Where complications occur, a minority* of patients may require additional expenditure

Initial Cataract Assessment
A initial 30 minute detailed examination and discussion to evaluate a patient's cataract status, their needs and options
Long term medications
£20-60 per month
Approximately 40% of patients will benefit from long term eye drops to optimise their eye health and vision. We can provide written prescriptions to minimise this expenditure

Surgery Packages
£3600 - single eye
£4500 - both eyes
Costs from day of surgery to month three for a single cataract correction and for both eyes undergoing cataract surgery
Electroretinography (ERG)
Having undergone an initial cataract correction, we will recommend that a small percentage of patients undergo ERG testing to determine if surgery is in their best interests

Long term follow up checks
£133 per review
Having completed their surgical recovery, we typically encourage long term follow-up to guard against any eye health issues with checks at 6-12 month intervals

Affordable cataract surgery for pets.
01453 488 588
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